[Top 10 Causes] Why Does My Husqvarna Chainsaw Leak Bar Oil?

Discover the reasons behind your Husqvarna chainsaw leaking bar oil and learn effective solutions to address this issue. Get expert insights and troubleshooting tips in this comprehensive guide.

If you own a Husqvarna chainsaw, you may have encountered the issue of bar oil leakage. This problem can be frustrating and may impact the performance and efficiency of your chainsaw. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind why your Husqvarna chainsaw leaks bar oil and provide you with practical solutions to address the issue effectively.

Why Does My Husqvarna Chainsaw Leak Bar Oil?

Understanding the root causes of bar oil leakage is essential to resolve the problem and maintain the optimal functioning of your chainsaw. Let’s delve into the possible reasons for this issue:

Insufficient Chain Tension

One of the common causes of bar oil leakage is insufficient chain tension. When the chain is loose, excess oil may be thrown off the bar, leading to leakage. It is crucial to ensure proper tensioning of the chain to prevent this problem.

Worn-out Oil Seal

Over time, the oil seal in your Husqvarna chainsaw can wear out, causing oil to leak from the bar. Regular usage and exposure to environmental factors can contribute to the degradation of the oil seal. Replacing the worn-out oil seal can help resolve the leakage issue.

Clogged Oil Passages

Accumulation of debris, sawdust, or other foreign particles in the oil passages can obstruct the flow of oil and result in leakage. Regular cleaning and maintenance of your chainsaw, including clearing the oil passages, can prevent this problem.

Damaged Bar

A damaged or cracked bar can also cause oil leakage. Inspect your chainsaw’s bar for any signs of damage and replace it if necessary. Using a damaged bar can worsen the leakage and affect the overall performance of your chainsaw.

Incorrectly Installed or Worn-out Oil Pump

The oil pump in your Husqvarna chainsaw is responsible for supplying the right amount of oil to the bar. If the oil pump is incorrectly installed or worn out, it can lead to excessive oil flow and leakage. Proper installation or replacement of the oil pump can help resolve this issue.

Overfilling the Oil Reservoir

Filling the oil reservoir beyond the recommended level can cause excess oil to leak from the bar. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines and ensure you fill the reservoir with the appropriate amount of oil to prevent overfilling and subsequent leakage.

Improper Storage

Storing your chainsaw improperly can also contribute to bar oil leakage. If the chainsaw is stored with the bar and chain facing downward, gravity can cause oil to drip and leak. Store your chainsaw in an upright position to minimize the chances of oil leakage.

Worn-out or Damaged O-rings

O-rings are essential components that help maintain a tight seal in your chainsaw. If the O-rings become worn out or damaged, they may fail to prevent oil leakage. Regular inspection and replacement of O-rings can help resolve this issue.

Inconsistent Maintenance

Neglecting regular maintenance and failing to clean or replace worn-out parts can lead to bar oil leakage. It is important to adhere to the maintenance schedule provided by Husqvarna and conduct routine inspections to identify any issues that may contribute to oil leakage.

Substandard Bar and Chain Oil

Using low-quality or incompatible bar and chain oil can result in oil leakage. Ensure that you use high-quality oil recommended by Husqvarna to maintain the optimal performance of your chainsaw and prevent leakage.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. How can I prevent bar oil leakage in my Husqvarna chainsaw?
    • Regularly inspect and clean the chainsaw’s components.
    • Ensure proper tensioning of the chain.
    • Use high-quality bar and chain oil recommended by Husqvarna.
    • Store the chainsaw in an upright position.
  2. Can I use any type of oil as bar and chain oil?
    • It is best to use the bar and chain oil recommended by Husqvarna to ensure optimal performance and minimize leakage.
  3. How often should I replace the oil seal in my Husqvarna chainsaw?
    • The oil seal should be replaced if it shows signs of wear or damage. Regular inspections can help determine when replacement is necessary.
  4. Can a damaged bar cause oil leakage?
    • Yes, a damaged or cracked bar can cause oil leakage. Inspect your chainsaw’s bar regularly and replace it if needed.
  5. Why is regular maintenance important for preventing oil leakage?
    • Regular maintenance helps identify and address potential issues before they worsen, including those that may lead to oil leakage.
  6. Can overfilling the oil reservoir cause oil leakage?
    • Yes, overfilling the oil reservoir can result in excess oil leakage. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines to ensure proper oil levels.


Dealing with bar oil leakage in your Husqvarna chainsaw can be bothersome, but understanding the underlying causes and implementing the appropriate solutions can help you overcome this issue.

By maintaining proper chain tension, inspecting and replacing worn-out parts, and using high-quality oil, you can keep your chainsaw in optimal condition and minimize bar oil leakage. Remember to adhere to Husqvarna’s maintenance guidelines and perform regular inspections to prevent any potential problems.

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